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I needed to learn more of your world. Your mystery drew me in more and more. The closer I got the more I became afraid yet when I stayed away I longed for more. You, the boy with so much to say, the experiences were unbelievable. And I just a girl with no experience of life at all. Everything so New and so bright. You shined along with the bright lights. Everything seemed so right yet was filled with so much wrong to it. A world I didn't belong in. Feeling alive and filled with happiness when I didn't even know much about it. It drew a picture of perfection with imperfect situations. I hated it because I wanted it. And before you knew it I was that world. I wanted it so much yet it would slip away from my hand till I wished for it so long and now it's who I am. Yet it all surrounds you, It's because of you, It's because the music. It's because when I looked into it I saw something so unique. Carefree and wild something I never was. I wanted to fit in but nothing would erase who I truly was within. Nothing changed just the surroundings. See when things have mystery they almost are better that way. You paint a picture and I pretended to be a part of it. I tried all the characteristics yet I didn't really....well know. When you know it loses it's fantasy, you feel the thrill for a second and then it fades in a blink of an eye. Almost when you are so hooked on a drug, The euphoric feeling doesn't feel the same as the first time so you need more and more. But it will never be like it once was....and that scares me because I'll never be able to return to my fantasy.
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