Forbidden Fruit

   Curiosity strikes and it seems as though the unknown and the prohibited draws me the most. I shouldn't, I'm not allowed to get close yet I can't seem to get away. I'm told it might be bad for me...might harm me, cause me pain, or destroy me all it once. It is a possibility that it might turn out the opposite...might turn out to be a dream come to life, a light of hope, or happiness all at once. The outcome is risky and I might never know what would come from this.
   I want it more then anything yet I am told it's what I have to live without. It frightens me a bit yet I can't help to get close. It is wrong in the eyes of many yet I've never been the one to follow the steps of others. It's wrong but how can it possibly feel so right. It thrills me to know I am restricted in so many ways. It cant be a part of my everyday life but secretly I long for it. I don't know much about what I might get involved in but I must have it!
   Its a rising passion that lightens the fire  in my eyes. It gives me a strength I never knew I had but weakens my body, soul, and heart at the same time. It gets me lost in a far away world where reality isn't real. It makes me feel alive in the very moment I get close. Opens me up to a fragile state of mind but it grows an exquisite creature in which it wakes up and haunts for it's prey. The forbidden fruit that I need to taste...i want to feel your love.


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