The Love of Dance

   I'm complicated, I sometimes don't make any sense and I can be all over the place when it comes to emotions. I am indecisive and sometimes can be afraid to take risks. I have my flaws and at times I can be overly insecure about them. I can be hard to figure out at times or I can also be naive. I may be at fault if I see the good in people which puts me in the position of getting taken advantage of. I can push away if I am feeling confused. 
   I am far from perfect yet I am beautiful when it comes to dance. Its the only thing that has never left my side. When I need to figure out complications, dance puts everything in its place. When I need to speak but can't find the words, dance becomes my speech. When my feelings need to be let out, dance lets them free. Ask me how I am feeling, i'll interpret it through dance. There might be a few things I can be unsure of but there is no doubt in my mind, dance is what gives fuel to my soul. Afraid I am not, because dance is about takings risks and I can fear no more when I am expressing movement.
   When I dance flaws aren't excuses and I can't feel insecure because dance is when I can let go of everything and truly be myself. I am strong when I dance yet fragile when I need to be. No one can judge me, hurt me, or destroy who I am when I am dancing. I breathe dance...
   I might sound overly dramatic with the way I talk of this art, but that's the thing. I have a passion that drives me and inspires me in many ways possible. It's not a hobby but a way of living. Motivation that makes me see a bright tomorrow. When I dance I am living in the moment and nothing takes away from the way I feel when I dance. It cant be explained.
   I don't know where life is heading, who I am destined to be, or when I will get to where I belong. One things for sure, I have my mind set on my dreams. I want to dance in my life everyday and I plan to make that happen. If I fail to live to my expectations I will be disappointed. I know there's a plan for me and I will one day be where I am meant to be, with who I belong, and when the time is right.



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