Lost in the Forest

     The humid air against my skin, the Autumn wind blowing against my hair, and sunlight shining through the tall trees. The smell of wet wood, the feel of leaves brushing against my skin and  I walk through a whole new world. We become so worked up in life we forget the beauty of nature. I almost felt as if we were taken to a far away land where it's just you and me. I am nervous and you are too. It's a familiar feeling yet it feels all new. I forget about our past, I try to not worry for what is in store for our future, and I live the moment. I look up at the sky and let the sun rays fall unto my skin. Its beautiful to you but yet it also means nothing. Because it can't... We wont allow ourselves to admit this is lovely so we hide it behind our pride. We pretend we don't care; secretly we do. 
     Random noises startle us but we ignore. The forest is full of life and we try not to over think it. We laugh at the situation and wait. We know why we are here but we wait for the other. We explore some more. I am almost scared when I see the sun slowly hide. You claim it's all okay but I admit I am afraid. Yet the adrenaline I feel fuels the fire within me. You begin to run your fingers against my back. The feeling was explainable. It was warm against my skin and your touch awakens dead memories. I can't prove you right so I hold back. 
     We arrive to a secluded space full of dried up trees and a dead tree laid across the ground. I sit before I lose my balance and risk the embarrassment of you having to catch me. I look up- you look away. You look down to my eyes and I look towards an empty space. Then we get lost...
      Lost into a story full of memories of two lost souls full of unrequited love, we became lost in our own written stories. Lost within the trees and plants, lost into our own worlds. The soil under my feet help me feel grounded, the air around our bodies hugged us tight, the wind speaks an unspoken poem, and I felt alive. We tried to shut it out quick. We for a second worry but know soon it will all go back to normal. I tried to take in as much as I could before it ended so soon yet tried to not let it harm the progress I have made. 
     Quickly the sun became to vanish and shadows became visible. We definitely had to get out before we were left in the dark. The problem was we were walking in circles. Everything looked familiar yet the directions we chose must have been wrong because we were headed nowhere. Just like our relationship. We somehow fell back to a path and knew that if we followed it either lead us to a way out or sooner then later we'd realize we had went the wrong way. It didn't take long before we found our way out. Back to reality. Time to wake up and get real...
     We found our way out our secluded world. I take a quick glance at the lively forest and we both take our separate paths. Take us a while to say good-bye before we get lost in the forest once more...


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