A Change in the Weather

   As i walked out this morning, a slight breeze passed me by and the fresh feeling reminded me fall was right around the corner. I got a feeling of joy and at one point something simple as the weather brought me back memories I seemed to have forgotten. It's funny how the weather can change your mood. It almost influences your whole day. I thought back to last fall and how long ago it felt yet it quickly returned. I tried to compare where I was then to how I am now. This exact day; where was I?...I was living a completely different life. It almost brought me to tears in to thinking how much I have lost yet how much I gained. I lost everything I felt I couldn't live without but it was only because it was making space for whatever else life was ready to bring to me. Yeah, sometimes I wish I could go back..

   Back to when I thought everything was going my way. When I was right where I thought I needed to be, with who I needed to be, and on my way to where I belonged. In a blink of an eye, my prosperity was gone. Everything I knew was right had vanished. Now I am a whole new person learning to be happy once again, with new goals, and fighting the battles of life alone. I guess just the way life intended it to be. I don't know where I'll be on this very exact day next year but I know it'll be completely different. I just hope I don't forget what it took to get me there.
   This weather brought hope to me in accomplishing the goals I have set to work towards, it has brought back memories of the unconditional love i once felt, it has brought inspiration to become a whole new person, and has giving me motivation to be ambitious in life. All this because a change in time and in weather. I am glad to record that today is the day in which I was grateful for learning how to enjoy life once again...


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