Your Mistake!

A Request from my Bestie, Monika!
Although you have faced a few obstacles this are Strong! 
I admire you for that...Thank you for never leaving my side when I needed someone the most! 

       You have made the mistake. You pushed me to the edge and destroyed what I carefully built. Even though you are to be blamed, i seem to have failed. I was finished with. I had to learn to be me without you, I started from scratch, I had to let go of the things I'd never get back. Because of the one mistake you promised you wouldn't do. But why did it have to be me who had to pay for your actions? I seemed to have lost this battle...from one day to the next my world was turned upside down. I have been shattered and broken,and ripped open just so you could take everything I ever knew. 
       Although, it is me who has been left alone to recover...I have slowly made it to a point in life where I am simply learning to say i'll be okay. The anger you created in me lead to revenge at one point. Then I realized destroying you didn't speed up the process of healing. I then got to a point where I sat back and had no more strength to fight back. I let life work it's magic because it was then that I realized karma is much more powerful then any plans I had in mind. Your life is proof of that. I lost everything..yet i gained much more then what I thought I would live without. You seem to hide the fact that you failed. But you know what?...It's not of my importance anymore.
       Life works is such a funny way! I remember I used to wish you hurt and pain but I only felt that way because of the pain you caused me. It's different now. I want you to be okay because I know I'm okay. Because I now understand I didn't really lose much but a destiny that never belonged to me. A blessing in disguise you might call it. Even though my heart might still hold a few memories and a scar, it only reminds me that you once existed. That is enough..a memory of you is all I want to keep. Because in my memories you were good. Now I know i was always....better


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