Take a step...

We go through different stages in life.
Life is like a Staircase almost. We take different steps, sometimes we may go back and have to start from the bottom, and it can get exhausting.
Once we have reached the last step we feel a sense of accomplishment.
As if we are right where we belong, we look back at our experiences, and we figure it all out.
I just cant wait to feel accomplished.
To feel as if I belong and that there is no more searching because whatever it is I'm looking for..it's been found!
We go through many phases in life, some good, and some not so good..
Yet they matter!
They're an accumulation of who we are!
The problem is sometimes we get stuck living on a memory when life only moves forwards without giving us a chance to take it all in.
No it's no what you planned, not what you imagined, certainly not what you wanted but it was meant to happen exactly that way.
Maybe that is the only thing that keeps me looking forward, accepting the fact that things happen the way they are meant to and that is only because we have a bigger plan....
Take with you the memories of the past only for reference, live on right now..that's the best you can do! Because soon right now will only be a memory also....


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