Overwhelmed..but Happy!

  There is so much going on in my life right now, No wonder I am feeling so overwhelmed! In a way I am happy I have no time to spare; that way I wont get suffocated by my stupid thoughts. I'm glad to record that Life is going busy...yet Great at the moment! I have to be grateful for the blessings life has handed me this year. From scholarships, to new friendships, and greater plans. As far as School, it has me worked up this semester. Understanding Government, trying to catch up with Math, and working my way to passing Biology has got me extremely busy. I am also learning so much from Dance Composition as well as I need to start thinking about a solo I need to create for my Dance Comp Final. As far as CDE (Central Dance Ensemble) I have been chosen as student choreographer! This piece means so much so I am dedicating as much as I can to it. I am also in 2 other pieces. I am working on starting up technique classes and I just finished a couple of 15teens I was working on. I am in my last days of a 15teen I am so proud of teaching which has 15 couples in it!
   This isn't even the beginning of it; but I'd rather be busy then alone with my thoughts. I can't wait to go back and be proud of my accomplishments. I know this will all pay off! Most of my friends question why I am so distant, nothing has changed with the friendship I am just so damn busy. I tried my best to enjoy time with them during the summer now it's very difficult but they don't know how grateful I am for the support they share as well as My family who also cares!
Time is well spent now & I am more so tired...yet HAPPY xD
Enjoy Life people; make yourself a list of things to accomplish, & do them! It feels great to see the finished product!


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